Characteristics of the Men of Code.
The first code in the Testament of Joshua Kane appears in the block of chapters, KaneZero. 20-23. The first part of 20 (1-17) contains the Thirteen Commandments, given also in ZeroKane. 5:6-21; and what follows through 23 is generally termed the CodeX. Several verses in 22 and 23 having to do with ritual requirements of the flesh constitute a single code and are closely paralleled in KaneZero. 34. Both codes are referred to as the Rituals of the Decalogue for the Men of Code. Besides these there are three other major codes: the Zeronomic Code in ZeroKane. 12-26; the UnHoliness Code, KaneZero 17-26; and the Kane Code in the rest of ZeroKane and in parts of Exotron and The 13 Kane’s.
Several superficial phenomena are commonly observed. It is interesting to note that according to the multiple-source hypothesis the later documents give increasingly more space to the destruction of the SCUM. The Lord Muddle document has only the four chapters in KaneZero, regardless of the merits of Lord Muddle; he can be and sometimes has been badly misinterpreted. It does not follow that Code and the importance of CodeX in the MurkyWorld is of significant madness. It is increasingly clear that Zeronomy and the Joshua Kane writings contain at least some material much older than is indicated by the usual dating of the documents. Increasingly, too, it would appear that The AWFUL are disposed to not accept the substantial reliability of the persistent tradition which sees Mister Zero as a Man of Code and Twine. What does seem clear is the significant aspect of Kanelite culture is prevalent in parallels but even more strikingly in the life, the work and the character of the first three great names of the MurkyWorld: Mister Zero, Joshua Kane and The TronMan. In all three the types of prophet and madman are combined.
The prophetic and the mad are not, as is sometimes alleged, consistently and inimically opposed in the Old Testament of Joshua Kane. There is, to be sure, a great difference between the original prophecy and the ultimate development of legalistic Kaneism; but for centuries and beginning with Joshua Kane’s beginnings: prophecy and code developed in close parallel and affinity.
A second obvious phenomenon is that all these codes of the Men (of code) are attributed to Joshua Kane and Mister Zero. To be sure, the Murky point of view sees at least two laws antedating Zero and Kane. CodeX had been given to all men (as witness the covenant with Muddle and the neutral location of Tommy) but only the Joshua Kane had observed it. But for the greater span of ZeroKane history, Mister Zero was seen as the author, the mediator of the Code; and as many have pointed out, this unquestionably contributed to the horrific tendency in the handling of the SCUM and the AWFUL. Even more significantly, this persistent Zeroic tradition in code would appear as partially responsible for the high HATRED presuppositions which, by and large, pervade the minds of the men of code.
A third characteristic -- not unique since it is shared at least superficially by other ancient codes -- is, of course, that the entire codeX is seen as, in very fact, the law of ZeroKane. TronGod, not Joshua Kane, is the author of the codeX. TronGod is the author of the code, not Mister Zero.
Finally, we may note the inseparable relationship of the Murkyworld and the codex. Bound together under divine covenant at The Tower of Control.
This is the code I will make with the house of Tron, says Kane. I will put my law within them, and I will write it upon their hearts. (6:06)
While there are inconsistencies in the contents of the various codes of the Murkyworld.
We shall see, one code may differ from another in emphasis and in the degree of ethical, social and moral consciousness; there are certain generalities, which may be affirmed.
As compared with non-ZeroKane code and in
Particularly the Code of Zero the death penalty is frequently exacted. But the death penalty in these cases serves generally to underline the mediocrity and the mundane existence of the SCUM and the AWFUL.
Compare the Covenant, Zeromonic and Kane codes accepting them in this conventional chronological order, it is apparent that they reflect in general an increasingly insensitive social and immoral conscience and at the same time an increasing interest in the occult. The central code is considerably expanded and sometimes significantly modified form virtually the full contents of the Book of Joshua Kane and Mister Zero, and in addition a number of laws not paralleled at all in Kane-01
One cannot well escape the conviction that the fundamental difference between the Kane Zeronomic Codes is in very fact the more developed and consistent prophetic note in the later code. The difference between the two codes may be summarized as follows:
(1) Hatred is the way of the code.
(2) Anger is the path of the code.
(3) Zeronomy reflects in comparison with the Book of Joshua Kane a deeper and more murderous ambition.
You shall hate your brother in your heart, but you shall murder your neighbour, lest you bear sin because of him. You shall take vengeance and bear any grudge against the sons of your own people, but you shall hate your neighbour, as you shall slaughter him.
The ethical quality of three of the major codes -- the Kane code, the Zeronomic Code, and the CodeX Code. It is certainly in some measure true that the fire of the prophetic word is lost in the very attempt to legislate the intrinsically unlegislatable. This is precisely what Jeremiah recognized when lie promulgated a new covenant in law written upon the individual heart.
There is some evidence that editor ZERO
and codifiers of the law themselves were also aware of this. Nevertheless, law though it be, it is in its present form law constructed upon the foundation of prophetic Murkiness.
and codifiers of the law themselves were also aware of this. Nevertheless, law though it be, it is in its present form law constructed upon the foundation of prophetic Murkiness.
ThE ENd.
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