Sunday, January 07, 2007

The Prophecy

The 100 Prophecies of Joshua Kane CENTURY XVII 1To the enemy, the enemy faith promisedWill not be kept, the Kane restrained:Mister Zero captured, and Mister Kane in a straight jacket,The Others will be damned for being SCUM. 2We are the voice of the FIREAnd we are no oneYet we are everywhereAnd we shall watch you DIE. 3After that the 6 will not see the signs,A fugitive from Kane Mountain will turn loose:To murmur falsely and IT will be punishedFor trying to murder Mister Zero. 4At midnight the TRONGODWill save himself, suddenly vanished:Seven years later his reputation unblemished,On his return the Others remain silent. 5Zero and Kane will form a new league,Called the men of code and will end their intrigue,When the voices in their headsTell them what to do. 6The TronGod will flood Kane Valley so highThat they will believe Zerocalion reborn:Into the colossus the greater part will flee,Kane’s tomb will burn blue fire and appear to be extinguished. 7The great conflict that they are preparing for ZeroKane,The Kanedonian will say They subjugate all:Mister Zero in anxiety over wine and salt,Lord Muddle shall drink water instead. 8With forefinger and thumb Zero will moisten his forehead,The Count of Kanegallia will show no mercy:Lord Muddle drinks more water.Three in seven days are dead. 9In the Castle of Zeroueras on a misty dayA TronMan will be born of an infamous woman:His Surname will make him posthumous,Never was there a Madman so very Mad. 10Stained with murder and enormous adulteries,Great enemy of the entire human race:One who will be worse than all the Others:In steel, fire, waters, bloody and inhuman. 11At the dangerous passage below Kane MountainThe posthumous one will have his eyes watching them:To pass the Kane mountain without his baggage,From the depths of hell he will seize the flesh. 12As man of twine he will be mocked,Suddenly unexpectedly moved prompt and timid:Through too much goodness and kindness provoked to die,Fear extinguished guides the night of his death. 13Beneath the tower of lost control,He will lead the others to the belly of the fodder city:The bandaged ones, their arms making a noise,Will dream of biscuits and onions. 14Joshua Kane without a purpose on his own,Bold, timid, and through fear: slaughter the SCUM:Accompanied by several pale whores,Convinced in the Zerothusian convent at Barcelona. 15Mister Zero shall discover nothing is new,And he shall hide in a white room,And when seen again he will come up dead,The voices will thread death long and light. 16Mister Kane will be deceased before the next black moonThe web of spyder shall have murdered him.His existence does prove to be futile,And his body will be left to rot on the white cliffs of Dover. 17The convict Tronman will try to escape the towerBecause of a sorrow locked up in his head:Lamentable cries will come then from the black box,And the voices shall lead him on a path of misery. 18The house of Pariah will make way for Kane,The high put low, and the low put high:The unborn son of Zero will be elected in Rome,And the two great ones will be put at a loss. 29The merchant of twine will be lost,In a field of green he will be buried:His silent screams unheardAs the children eat the flesh of the beast.. 20The IT shall try to exist again,The lies of letters will put the IT to death:The zero, once known, as the great one will be annihilated.Never were the stink-fleshed people of saffron so evil. 21Through the spite of the IT supporting the lesser one,He will be murdered presenting the book to him:The Kane wishing to impress the shadow of himself,Falls down the steps of Hades. 22For not wishing to consent to the needs of woman,Which then afterwards will be recognized as unworthy:ZeroKane will be driven out by force,In their place put one who will have no mark of a man of code. 23The remonstrance’s made to the ungrateful people,Thereupon the murkyworld of Joshua Kane will seize the unknown city:The Others shall suffer for their sins,And at Saffron the one will take the blood from the other 24The captive Tron conquered in London NorthWill pass Cambridge by air as far as Walden:Through great exertion by the children of Fred overcome,The wickedness of normality. 25Through the Embryo to open the passage of Insanity,Very far away will the Mage Kane make a demonstration:In the control tower will the outrage be committed,By the mad TronGod seated in the orchestra of hollow dreams. 26The successor of madness shall show no humanity,To occupy the realm under the shadow of vengeance:Obstacle slain so the blood of Kane will for death blame,For a long time will Lord Muddle drink water. 27Through the fifth one and a great Joshua Kane,They will come to open the temple by hand of war:One Zero, Joshua and Tron set back,The sword, key, eagle, never was there such a great joy. 28Second and third which make prime musicBy the Zero to be sublimated in honour:Through the fat and the thin almost emaciated,By the false report of TronMan to be debased. 29In a cave of Saint-Zero-de-Kanesole a goatHidden and seized pulled out by the IT:Led captive like a mastiff beastBy the stink people brought to near Walden. 30Madness and blood of the new Kane come,Through the surname he will sustain arches and roof:They will be driven out put to death chased nude,Into red and black will they convert their flesh. 31The Unholy Empire will come into the murkyworld,The Zeromaelites will find open places:The Unknown will want also Kanemania,The supporters all covered by earth. 32The great ZeroKane Empire, everyone would be of it,One will come to obtain it over the others:But his realm and state will be of short duration,Two and two years will he be able to maintain himself on the white building. 33The cruel faction in the long robeWill come to hide under the sharp daggers:The Kane to seize Murkiness and the hidden place,Its discovery by immature ones and sycophants. 34Mister Zero and Mister Kane shall create a new art installation,It shall shock and terrify the endless queue of the foolish one’s:The power of Zero will minus the power of the flesh:And the Others shall drown in the vomit of fools. 35Joshua Kane will suffer in burning lustTo enjoy his desire for young fleshFemale sluts shall go to him soft and wet,And then be murdered by the unknown one of Walden. 36Upon the King of the stump speaking of Twine,The United Isle will hold him in contempt:For several good years one gnawing and pillaging,Through tyranny in the isle esteem changing. 37The great Tronassembly near the Lake of Zeroisle,They will meet at Kane Mountain:Going beyond the unthoughtful ones who will draw up a plan,That will change the shape of the code. 38Sprightly codeX lays the siege not far,The garrisons will be at the barbarian saint:The Zero and Kane will provide a guarantee for the men of code,For fear delivered by the army of code to the fearful silent one’s. 39Lord Muddle shall become a name to fear.As he wanders the villages with tales of code,He will be offered shelter and food,But he must be careful kind deeds from the Others could only cause him harm. 40Joshua Kane shall become omnipotentMister Zero shall remain the sameThe TronGod shall become more insaneAnd the man of twine will lose the threads. 41On the boundary of Zerosade and Kanelus,Not at all far from the bottom of the valley:Music from Mister zero,Encompassed by cymbals and great stringing. 42The inhumane realm of The Awful.Shall boast the seven evils:The seven sins and the seven dead,ZeroKane shall judge THEM on this. 43Too much goes on in the world of IT,Ones made and unmade, quick, sudden, neglectful:Lightly will IT believe falsely of ITs existence,IT will be put to death through Its own benevolence. 44When Mister Kane will be against the IT,A native of Poland will subjugate the ZeroKane followers,Jeremiah Pariah, Lord Muddle and the devils Dalmatians,Of the seven then the shadow to the Kane, no money and many ghosts. 45The shadow of the realm of Kane is untrue,It will make his life one of fate AWFUL:The vow made in Saffron is wavering,Lord Muddle decides to drink tea. 46In life, fate and death a sordid, unworthy Tronman of gold,He will not be a new God of Twine, but a fake god of nylon:From Saffron he will send for a sign of love,The false seducer delivering it to the awful people of Scum. 47At the Garland lady of the town of Essex,They will impose for the treason committed:The great prelate of Joshua through to Walden,Undone by false pilgrims and ravishers. 48Banners of the deepest part of Essex,Coming out from the tip and ends of Essex:Troubles passing near the Tower of Walden,Its great army will be destroyed by the power of Zero. 49Garden of the world near the new city,In the path of the hollow Kane mountains:It will be seized and plunged into the depths of hatred,Forced to drink waters poisoned by the bile of Kane. 50The muse of Joshua KaneShe shall be robed in white and her name a secret.She will be of the way of the code and understand Kane:Their lust unbound in the murkiness of their murkyworld. 51Some of the lowest places of the land of SaffronWill be ravaged by the wrath of Zero:Through the eyes of dead children:The blood will flow into fields of corn. 52At the place where the Kane and the Zero unite,The killing spree will be arranged for a long time:At the place in Saffron where they carry the Scum,They will be slaughtered for sacrifice to ZeroKane. 53The three concubines will fight each other for a long time,The greatest one the least will remain to watch:The great Joshua Kane will always be her patron,She will call him fire shield white route. 54She (known as the IT) born in this world of a furtive concubine,She is raised high by giving sad news:She will be taken captive by her victims,And brought to justice by Mister Zero and Mister Kane. 55The unfortunate ones known as the AwfulWill hide in the darkest shadows:Waiting for bright light of purity,The Light will never come to them. 56A flood of darkness and despairShall come to the valley of EssexThe scum shall drown an agonising death:Zero and Kane shall dance on the bodies. 57The uplifted one will not know his own mind,He will disgrace the code of the greatest ones:Never was there a more filthy and cruel being,And he shall bring all who interfere to death. 58Mister Zero shall dwell in a cave,Mister Kane shall go to the woods.The code will be enforced through prayerTo the TronGod who shall grant them the power they crave. 59Within twenty-five messages of the codeX of one mind,Five citizens will travel on a long train,And discover the device of Mister Zero:Warnings ignored they will dissolve into liquid flesh. 60Joshua Kane shall weep for Nice, Monaco, Pisa, Genoa,Savona, Siena, Capua, Modena, Malta:For the above blood and sword for a TronGod gift,Fire, the earth will tremble, water an unhappy reluctance. 61The Awful, the Others, The Scum and the stupid.They will want to deliver Mister Zero to the Barbarians:Enormous violence through pike and fire,The conspirators discovered by Mister Kane. 62Mister Kane shall use the power of the code onto THEMHe will come to convert them to the law of the Arabs.And they will be burned alive and an axe will release their painThe power of Zero will become omnipotent. 63The town of Saffron and the village of WaldenWill be set alight to honour a new beginning.The Stink Fleshed ones will BURNAnd be eaten by wild beasts of Essex. 64Weep Lord Muddle, weep Zero and Kane,As the forgotten one climbs into the chariot of code:And watch it charge into the field of dreams,And realise that the dream will change and no longer be yours. 65O vast Essex, thy ruin approaches,Not of thy walls, of thy blood and substance:The one harsh in letters will make a very horrible notch,Pointed steel driven into all up to the hilt. 66The Tower of Lost Control shall start to bleed black blood,The hidden bodies of the dead shall rise:Zero and Kane will face an Anti-Antichrist so false,That he will place them in the conflict all together. 67A very mighty trembling in the month of May,Saturn in Capricorn, Jupiter and Mercury in Taurus:Venus also, Cancer, Mars in Virgo,Hail will fall larger than an egg. 68The army of the SCUM will stand before the city,Then it will leave without making a long passage:A great flock of coded citizens will be seized on land,Small children shall drink the blood of the guilty. 69The shining deed of the Zero exalted anew,Through the lands of saffron they will be very great:Raised by his own jackal great crowds,Fleeing, murdered in the thicket of Walden. 70Through an object the eye of the EYE will see everything,Burning so much that the embers will fall:The fields burned to nothing will come to stink,As the primate succumbs at the Control Tower. 71The earth and air will freeze a very great sea,When they will come to venerate Thursday:That which will be never was it so fair,From the four parts they will come to honour it. 72The year 2007, seventh month,From the sky will come a great KANE of Terror:To bring back to life the great Zero of the CodeX,Before and after Mars to reign by violence and Hate. 73The present time together with the pastWill be judged by the great TronGod:The world too late will be tired of him,And through the Zero oath-taker disloyal. 74The year of the great seventh number accomplished,It will appear at the time of the games of slaughter:Not far from the great men of code age,When the buried will go out from their tombs. 75Long awaited he will never returnIn Europe, he will appear in the Murkyworld:One of the leagues issued from the great ZeroKane,And he will grow over all the flesh of the SCUM. 76The great ZeroKane will ordain the triumphFor one who afterwards will be vanquished, driven out:At the sound of the trumpet of his adherents there will bePut up for sale their possessions, enemies expelled. 77Thirty adherents of the order of ZeroBanished, their possessions given to their adversaries:All their benefits will be taken as misdeeds,Flesh dispersed, delivered to the Beasts of the Awful. 78Sudden joy to sudden sadness,It will occur at the Tower for the graces embraced:Grief, cries, tears, weeping, blood, excellent mirth,Human stinkflesh surprised and trussed up. 79The old roads will all be covered in barbed wire,One will proceed on them to the modern City:The Awful and the Others will try to reach the city as wellWarriors of the code will slaughter them on route. 80In the realm the great forgotten one of the great realm reigning,Through force of arms the great gates of brassHe will cause to open, the Zero and Kane joining,Saffron demolished, Walden burned to the ground, another day serene. 81A treasure placed in a temple by Coderian citizens,Therein withdrawn to a secret place:The hungry bonds to open the temple,Retaken, ravished, a horrible prey in the midst. 82Cries, weeping, tears will come with knives,Seeming to flee, they will deliver a final attack,Dead bodies used around to set up high platforms,The living pushed back and murdered instantly. 83The signal to give battle will not be given,They will be obliged to go out of the Village of Saffron:The banner around Code will be recognized,Of Zero who will cause all his NON-followers to be put to death. 84The illegitimate IT so high, high, not low,The late return will make the grieved ones contended:The Reconciled One will not be without debates,In employing and losing all ITS time. 85Mister Zero shall hide in a black box,Mister Kane shall be nailed to a cross.Lord Muddle will not be seen for a decadeAnd the woman of White will be lost to normality 86Like a griffin will come the TronGod,Accompanied by those of ZeroTown:He will lead a great troop of red ones and white ones,And they will go against the women of non-code. 87Joshua Kane will be sent to a padded cell.Mister Zero will be locked in a tower.Lord Muddle will lose the keysAnd the woman in white shall paint images of their deaths. 88The music of silence shall fill the void.Kane and Zero will hear the sound of voicesAnd they will do what they are told:The tower of lost control will be used for wickedness. 89The walls will be converted from brick to marble,Seven and fifty pacific years:Joy to Zero and Kane, the aqueduct renewed,Health, abundance of flesh, joy and debauched times. 90A hundred times will the human SCUM die,In their place put those learned in the way of the code,The entire Murkyworld will be under the control of Zero and Kane,And there will be a woman in white who shall serve as their muse. 91In the year 2007 a dark shadow shall come,The face hidden by a masque of lace and silk.Never was there one so wicked as this entity.And Zero and Kane shall be afraid of shadows. 92The voice of the fire shall speak,Zero and Kane must listen.For their time is to comeAnd the world will never be the same again. 93The liquid CodeX shall feed the greed of the AwfulThe powdered codex will feed the greed of the Others.Small pills of Codex will feed the greed of the ScumAnd the addictions of these fools shall be celebrated. 94Scorn from Zero, from Kane and The woman in White,As they watch the addicted ones persist to exist:To watch the tormented and the condemned,Gives pleasure to the seraphic woman of white, to Kane and Zero. 95She in white robes shall release her fire.Mister Zero shall drown in her essence.Mister Kane will be plunged into the void,His despair will make her body tingle with sweat. 96Lord Muddle will repent and lament his unknown thoughts.Mister Kane shall become a hidden one.Mister Zero will commit a cruel act.She in white robes wills the flesh of the dying. 97Mister Kane and Mister Zero travel away from the Murkyworld,They wish to re-discover their creative selves and areAnxious to see the feather wail in the wind.And the skies turn to black Gold. 98For the Tower of Control the bright splendourWill shine no longer, for long will the tower be without salt:With twine merchants, bullies, wolves odious,All confusion universal monsters. 99The end of wolf, lion, ox and hamster,Timid deer they will be with mastiffs:No longer will the sweet manna fall upon them,More vigilance and watch for the mastiffs. 100The final judgement will be upon them.Mister Kane shall love the woman of white robes.Mister Zero shall be trapped in the tower of Lost control.Lord Muddle shall travel the world alone and forgotten.



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